Effective Ads from WidgetBucks

widgetbucks.gifSilicon Valley Watcher: Online advertising is becoming less and less effective. Eric Clemons has some ideas on why this is happening, and there are many startups trying to fix the problem.
And it is a very significant problem because it affects the business model for nearly all types of online publishers. If online advertising continues to fall in its effectiveness then there will less and less revenue support for content creators, such as newspapers and magazines.
WidgetBucks, based in Seattle is one of those companies that are working on making Internet advertising more effective. It offers clients an advertising “container” or widget, that provides better contextual delivery of adverts, and a much richer user experience, which results in more effective advertising.
This part of its business has already been extraordinarily effective, helping publishers gain higher revenues than through advertising networks such as Google AdSense, etc.
“What we do is we optimize the ad networks so that they deliver ads that are more relevant to the site, and that can make a big difference for advertisers and the publishers,” says Matt Hulett, CEO.
The company is also working on making the content of its advertising “containers” more interesting and it is experimenting with combining ads with online games and other types of media that engages Internet users. “Engagement” is the term du jour these days as advertisers seek new formats that will work better than current ones.
WidgetBucks: Fixing Online Advertising – A $9bn Opportunity [Silicon Valley Watcher]

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