Electric Vehicle Vending Machines

Alibaba is one of the giants of retail in the market. The company has made a deal with Ford in China to manufacture electric vehicles to facilitate sales. Customers will scan a car that they are interested in using the Taobao shopping app. The app is also developed by Alibaba. They can then pick a color, enter some basic information and take a selfie. The selfie will be used to identify the individual when they head over to the unmanned vending machine for delivery.

For recognition of the individual, Facial recognition technology is used. It matches the person with their order and the corresponding vehicle is taken out of the storage then. At this point, they have three days to test the vehicle in order to determine whether they want to make a purchase. When they have made up their minds, they can take the smartphone app to pay for it or return the car and schedule another test drive.

Alibaba To Launch Electric Vehicle Vending Machines [WonderfulEngineering]

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