Energy Generating Soccer Ball

A few years ago we introduced SOCCKET, an energy generating soccer ball that can provide light for children in developing nations.”Much more than a normal soccer ball, the SOCCKET is a portable generator that provides fun and power to those who play with it.” The invention has made the leap from innovative idea to reality with an improved prototype of SOCCKET that is already helping people around the world. The ball, which harnesses energy as it is kicked around, can light an LED lamp for a few hours at a time. That means that a child who was forced to study by candle or kerosene light may now have a safe alternative for illumination – and he/she can have a ‘ball’ and get exercise while charging up too! Currently, SOCCKET developers are aiming to ramp up production and make more balls available across the world.

SOCCKET, the Energy Generating Soccer Ball, Ramps Up Production On Kickstarter [Inhabitots]

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