Environmental Game Tackles Real World Problems

Concerns about climate change are everywhere. Companies are making products with ocean plastic, corporations are focusing on sustainability and people are learning how to incorporate green technology into their daily lives. Now, even video games are addressing this real-world crisis. It was only a matter of time.

In Descendants of Earth, it is the year 2412. Your descendants live in a wasteland that has been destroyed by climate change. They need you to send resources through a Time Pump. The materials you can send from the year 2021 will be used to regenerate the planet in the year 2412. The game is chock-full of common sci-fi elements. But it’s all very relatable.

“Descendants Of Earth is a new breed of social impact gaming, where enjoyment and immersion meet tangible outcomes for the player and the environment,” said co-founder Natalia Shafa.

You can start alpha-testing Descendants of Earth on Google Play right now. This is a mobile game that merges real-world environmental action with gameplay. When you complete climate action challenges in the real world, you earn resources for the game world. Also, when you complete these action challenges, you’ll help to provide a better future for the real descendants of Earth.

“We are running out of time to stop runaway climate change, but games are a perfect avenue for generating the knowledge and willpower needed to save ourselves and our planet,” said co-founder Edmund Weir.

The story that unfolds in the game is based on the most cutting-edge science and up-to-date information available. That’s because climate change is no game. It’s going to have an enormous impact on future generations, and it’s a far scarier crisis than any video game creator could ever think up. Games like this put the issue into perspective. What we do today has a huge impact on tomorrow. How positive or negative is that impact going to be? Descendants of Earth will send you on missions that can actually help make a difference today. Everything you do benefits the game, and in a very real way, it benefits the descendants of Earth who are going to follow you on the planet.

Descendants Of Earth is a video game that tackles real-world problems [Inhabitat]

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