Escapist Blending

xmi_daydreamsmirror13061-1.gifIconoculture: Who’s the fairest? Those gazing into the Conduit Group’s Daydreams mirror by designer Jason Miller find themselves in a beautiful landscape. Each mirror contains a digitally produced photo of an ocean or a forest. The scenes offer an escapist setting for the harsh realities of life in front of the mirror (and the harsher realities of rushing for work in front of it).
Wrinkles, zits, and bad hair days happen. But there’s a window of opportunity for distraction, amusement, and the joys of fantasy in the looking glass over the bathroom sink or in the hall. A more beautiful image in the mirror? The cold, hard truth isn’t what everyone’s after when they look in the mirror day after day. For Millennials or Xers bent on having their homes their way, mashing fiction with reality has an increasingly important place in the scheme of finetuning home accessories.
Conduit Group’s Daydreams mirror blends fiction with reality [Iconoculture]

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