Establishing Yourself as an Authoritative Interior Design Professional

Establishing Yourself as an Authoritative Interior Design Professional

If you’re passionate about interior design and want to turn your hobby into your dream job, you’ll need to work hard to build up a prestigious reputation that wins you clients and ensures you have a reliable income for the foreseeable future. So, how do you get from zero to hero in the world of interior design? In essence, you need to establish yourself as an authority. So how do you do that? Here are some innovative ideas.

Demonstrate Your Knowledge and Skills Online

The best way you can gain a reputation as a skilled interior designer, is to apply transparency to your work. For this, social media can be your best friend. Create a YouTube channel where you can show-off your skills to the world, and include links to your company website, and your Facebook and Twitter pages. Here you can allow people to ask you questions and in turn, you can offer advice, tips and suggestions in response. All of this aids your cause and shows that you mean business and know what you’re talking about. Word online spreads quickly, so with a little bit of careful social media cultivation, you can quickly build up a solid reputation.

Own Professional-grade Equipment

Owning expensive tools and equipment doesn’t necessarily make you an expert in what you do, but it at least shows that you’re confident in your abilities enough to have placed significant financial investment into the tools of your trade. You should also think about your tools as the scope of the jobs you can complete. It’s more than likely that you already own a paintbrush or two if you’re already interested in interior design, but you might not yet own an air compressor (like the ones available from somewhere like SGS-Engineering) that can be used to create wall stencilling.

Compile a Portfolio of Successful Jobs

A final way to appear knowledgeable and authoritative in the field of interior design, is to create a portfolio of work that you can take to new, prospective clients,to help you to demonstrate exactly why you’re deserving of their hard-earned money, and why you’re better than your competition. You could even upload images of completed work (with the client’s permission!) to your social media pages and use them as a sort of e-portfolio. A great platform for this could be Pinterest, which is already full of interior design ideas.

So there you have it – three concrete ways to develop yourself as an authoritative interior designer.

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