Experimental Luminaries

You might have been able to tell that we weren’t completely sure what to call these. Viride is so unique and interesting that we haven’t even gotten a name for them yet. Goula / Figuera Studio, which designed Viride, calls it a collection of “experimental luminaries”, which brings together two common objects found in homes—artificial lighting and flora. Knowing that oftentimes flora needs natural light to thrive, which is not always available in homes, Goula / Figuera Studio decided to solve that need with a specific design object that not only highlights home plants, but also ensures that it gets the lighting it needs.

Enter Viride, a collection of three different types of luminaries that are designed to fit specific plants’ morphologies. They are sculptural design objects that act as planters, while also giving off light from its LED panels to ensure the plant gets the right amount of light. Each LED light turns on and off periodically depending on how much light the plant needs.

Alien-Like Planter Lights From Goula / Figuera Studio [Design Milk]

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