Cool Hunting: Imagine an online social network that provides free, on-demand online music but without the legal anxiety of peer-to-peer networks. More interactive than conventional internet radio, though not as gratifying as Napster was in its glory days, Jango is a New York City-based music site with a large database of songs and artists and is instantly addictive.
Now in its beta launch, there’s a waiting list for new members though the first 100 readers to click this link can join. If you don’t make the cut, not to worry. The site maintains a waiting list and it should only take a couple of days for an account to get activated. Once you’re in, you can invite three of your friends.
The interface couldn’t be more simple. Simply type in a musical artist you like and the site will play their songs. You can also specify how broad your tastes are by setting it to play only the artists you have identified or you can opt to hear artists it considers to be in the same genre. This isn’t risk free. After adding a few classic rock bands the site began playing The Eagle’s “Hotel California.” Luckily by clicking on the frowning face icon, I was able to banish that song from ever playing again. Conversely, you can tag songs you like and the site will make sure to keep them in the mix.
Jango: Social Internet Radio [Cool Hunting]
Face The Music
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