Fashion: Absurd is kind of normal now

Little missmatched brings funky mismatched socks, pajamas and apparel to retail. By targeting the zany population that dresses extrovertedly and ignores standard fashion norms, this clever product actually makes the ‘normal’ folks wanna have a little piece of all that nutty fun while doing their daily clothes shopping. You know, get in touch with their crazy side…
With an adorable name, logo and fresh, fun designs, I’m confident this mis-matched product will sprout some improper fashion-coordination trends everywhere.
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trendsspottinglogo.jpg is a trends agency focused on developing exciting tools for Trend Spotting. We follow current trends and are constantly looking for new ones. We specialize in trends research and the social media. Dr. Taly Weiss, TrendsSpotting CEO, is a Social Psychologist, with extensive experience in branding strategy and marketing research. Feel free to explore our trend spotting tools on

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Ethan Theo