Find Cheap Gas Prices In Your City

That’s the great thing to us consumers when using the Internet to shop. We can easily compare prices among many merchants and save quite a sum of money this way. And guess what, comparison shopping is spreading to the offline world as well! There is a new service, available at, that allows you to search for the cheapest gas prices in your city (United States). is comprised of 170 gas price information web sites that help consumers find low gasoline prices. All web sites are operated by GasBuddy with the most comprehensive listings of gas prices anywhere by far. ‘Price-spotters’ post local recent low and high gasoline prices on the forums of these websites. Visitors (that mean you and me) enter their zip codes to find prices at nearby stations.
Although gasoline prices fluctuate quickly and price changes are not reflected instantaneously on, everybody loves a bargain and values this comparison shopping service.
Hey, you might want to set up a similar service, allowing consumers to compare the price of groccery or books! 🙂
Web Site Helps Compare Gasoline Prices [AP via Yahoo! News]
Yahoo Search Delivers Cheap Gas Prices [Search Engine Journal]

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