Five Tips For Any Non-Profit To Have A Successful Fundraiser


The key to running a successful non-profit is about finding ways to get people to donate their hard-earned money. In these tough economic times that we have been facing the past few years, this is easier said than done. However, there are some ways that constantly get impressive results. Here are five of the best:

1. Social networks

We are truly living in the age of social networks. To deny this is to be ignorant of the world around you. These social networks have become indispensable tools for non-profits. If used properly, they are an excellent platform for raising money, building relationships, attracting support and disseminating press releases. If you don’t have any publicity, it is hard to get support. With no support, you can’t build any relationships. Unless you have solid relationships, there will not be a steady stream of donations. These social media sites allow you to create pages that are specific for your campaign, allowing you to use their networking tools to get the word out.

2. Mobile giving

Even though raising funds by using cell phones is still in its infancy, this practice has huge potential. The fact that seemingly every person on the planet has a cell phone at this point gives non-profits a direct portal to millions of potential donors. The key is for non-profits to use this technology to their advantage. One of the great things about this method is that it enables young and tech-savvy people with disposable income to donate quickly without taking up too much of their valuable time. Many people want to donate; they just don’t want to take all day to do it.

3. Making commissions on online sales

Online shopping has exploded in popularity over the past decade. It is common to find buttons on various retail sites that allow the customer to donate a certain amount of money with their purchase by clicking on a specific icon. There are also sites that are adding banners and buttons that will take people to retail sites. If a person arrives at a retail site through one of your banners and decides to buy something, your non-profit will get a commission on whatever they buy. Some non-profits are opposed to consumerism, so every group needs to decide if this method is right for them.

4. Write effective fundraising materials

Words that are crafted in just the right way have the amazing power to make people open up their wallets and purses. Make sure that all of your fundraising materials appeal to a broad spectrum of potential donors. A moving story that tugs at a person’s heart strings is always an effective method to get people to donate. The goal is to get people passionate about your cause, so it is imperative that your materials do this. Make sure they are easy to read, and include specific calls to action.

5. Product sales, discount cards and coupon books

The Girl Scouts of America have been using this method for decades. Groups that are trying to raise money for supplies, travel, sports equipment, uniforms and other types of custom products can find great success with sales of $5-10 items. There are companies that specialize in supplying movie tickets, coupon books, discount cards, chocolates and cookie dough at wholesale prices specifically for the purpose of fundraising.

Now more than ever, a non-profit must have a clear strategy in order to survive. Donations are dropping everywhere as people struggle with their own finances. Therefore, people will only donate to causes that they truly believe are worthwhile. It is up to your organization to use these methods to make yourselves stand out from the crowd.

Consideration was given for the editing and publishing of this article.

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