Foreign Tunes

DailyCandy: Q. What do the following lyrics have in common?
a) I would walk 500 miles.
b) Who let the dogs out?
c) You oughtta know.
A. There’s a really good chance they are now going to be stuck in your head all day. (Sorry.) But you can use Earworms to get them out — and learn quelque chose while you’re at it. Like a catchy tune that you just can’t shake, Earworms Musical Brain Trainers layer basic foreign words and phrases over pleasant instrumental tracks. After listening to the songs a few times, you’ll find that you’ve picked up some useful lingo. Download 75-minute lessons in German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and French. (Chinese is offered only on CD.) Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, and Russian are coming soon. By July, volume two of all of the languages will be released.
Just Can’t Get You out of My Head [DailyCandy]

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