Freelancing: A New Business Concept that is set to take the Commercial Realm by Storm


Perhaps ten years back, the idea of freelancing was not as appealing as it is today. Even three or four years ago the proposition of going the freelancing way was all about particular skill sets including designers/web developers, copywriters and illustrators. Today however, in the age of start-up boom anyone with the following skills can look forward to raking in the moolah:

  • Full service blogging
  • Metrics Analytics
  • Startup Video Producing
  • Food styling
  • Podcasting
  • Others

The post, however, is not about the new opportunities to be explored in freelancing but more about ways to succeed as a freelancer. Freelancing does spell a lot of freedom initially. However, freedom, here, cannot be equated with lack of planning or discipline. Here is a look at the infallible tips to succeed in freelancing. Here’s your chance to explore more of what you already love doing. Read on.

Plan well

Embracing freelancing as a way of earning money might be financially challenging at the beginning. We are not really saying that you would have to invest a huge amount money and learn about business debts and the best way to consolidate credit card debt (in case you are required to wriggle out of your debts). However, full-time freelancing, for most of us, entails giving up lucrative full-time jobs. It would be immensely helpful for you to chalk out your working plan way ahead. Even if you might have all the information in your head, you should actually be serious about documenting your plans. There is a two-fold benefit of writing down your business plans. Firstly, you are almost compelled to consider possible challenges and adopt means to deal with those challenges beforehand. Secondly, a written plan helps you attract investors for your business.

Free Software or the Premium Ones? 

You might as well be too tempted to invest in free software initially, but do know for a fact that it is always great to invest in a few premium tools as well. Even if you are selecting the free software programs, make sure you are doing it sagaciously. Make sure that you are striking the right balance between paid and free software. Just as it is great to invest in paid software programs don’t try to pay for everything that you come across. Please know for a fact that “free” always doesn’t necessarily mean “bad”. In fact skilled developers are willing to present their offerings without charges (initially) so that entrepreneurs can check out whether at all these tools are compatible with their business needs or not. Instead of trying to pay for everything, make sure that you are actually investing only in the premium tools which you would be using on a daily basis.

Don’t say “yes” to too many clients at the same time

Make sure you are estimating your own productivity. Learn to say “no” to clients if you think that you cannot handle too many offers at the same. Do not try to please everyone. Your success would rely crucially on the skills, dedication and commitment of your team. Before saying “yes” to your client, try and gauge their present workload.

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