Friendly Touch

smpl_neediesdolls10760-1.gifIconoculture: Millennials get a chuckle out of cheeky products that play off of intricate relationship interactions.
Be thankful they’re only passive-aggressive. ’Cause otherwise: Hello, horror-movie scenario. Needies interactive plush dolls – created by students at New York U’s Interactive Telecommunications Program – trade songs and flattery for hugs, then plot and scheme against each other to win human love and attention. Like big soft Furbies raised on soap operas, the interactive toys are modeled on high-maintenance, codependent relationships.
Needies each have an electronic nervous system, so they can tell when humans hug and squeeze them (or, as they disturbingly but somehow appropriately say, “give touch”) and respond with songs and flattery. That nervous system also enables them to tell when another Needie is getting more attention. Sound scary? Just be glad Gloomy Bear’s not interactive. Millennials get a chuckle out of cheeky products that play off of intricate relationship interactions.
Friendly Touch [Iconoculture]

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