Get Rid Of Pathogens On Your Phone With This

Considering that almost every person entering a hospital is carrying a smartphone, there’s constant worry that pathogens have an easy way to invade the very places they need to be kept out of the most. Now a new device is coming to market that was designed to quickly disinfect phones, tablets, and other small devices using an array of ultraviolet lights.

The PhoneSoap Med+ relies on 16 UV-C bulbs to generate enough radiation to destroy the DNA of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens within 30 seconds.

 Stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, and other commonly used devices can also be quickly sanitized within the PhoneSoap Med+.

The product can track when and which specific devices were run through its cleaning cycle, helping to guarantee compliance among the staff.

According to PhoneSoap, the Utah company that developed the product, its PhoneSoap Med+ “inactivates 99.999% of microorganisms in 30 seconds” while avoiding potential issues such as damage to devices from cleaning wipes, poor coverage when cleaning, and human error.

It’s not clear how much the device will cost, but considering the consumer version costs only $60, we imagine this kind of technology will become common in clinical facilities.

PhoneSoap Med+ Cleans Smartphones, Tablets, Stethoscopes with UV [Medgadget]

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