Get Uncomfortable

Expectations for change are high this year. And with so much emphasis being put on brilliance, you’ve got to consider the methods that get us there.
Focus groups tell us what we knew. One-way lectures tell us what you know. Sharing aggregates what we all know.
Enter the Unconferences. Forum One Communications, BlogSavannah, SoCon and more have accepted the idea of informal, participative discussions which have been gaining traction in tech circles since the ‘80s.
Its simple really. The idea that the smartest people at a conference are the often in the audience. The agenda is open-sourced via online wikis, or better, strewn about on whiteboards day-of. Come ready to share, especially if someone inquires on your area of expertise.
The congregation was born from Foo Camp, an annual, invite-only hacker event hosted by publisher ‘O Reilly Media.
Because if Burning Man taught us anything it’s that what some see as anarchism, others see as creative freedom.

KatieShermanPhoto.jpgKatie Sherman is a NY-based freelance writer. After years of multi-tasking at downtown ad agencies, she’s recently returned from a European backpacking sabbatical. During the day she works as a Copywriter in Soho. In the off-hours she concentrates on analyzing social/ cultural trends, business innovation and local entertainment. Her work has been published on,,, and Email her at

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