Shiny Shiny: In a survey that was conducted by Barchester Healthcare care homes – not a gadget site! – it transpired that gadgets are number three out of the top five gifts elderly relatives and friends would like to receive. Ahead of those were only luxury food hampers and, at number one, experiences like yoga sessions, makeovers and hot air balloon rides.
Digital cameras and particularly gaming consoles, such as the age and gender boundary smashing Wii, were particularly popular among elderly care home residents. For some people the fact that our older generation – which includes some of the predecessors to and inspiration for today’s technological wunderkinder – is still very much alive and kicking will come as no surprise; for the rest we’re giving you a pre-Christmas heads up to rethink the frilly hankies, socks and fruit jellies. Head over the jump for a heartwarmingly lovely video of old people playing Wii.
Gerwiiatrics: Get grandma her own Wii this Christmas [Shiny Shiny]
Get Your Grandma A Christmas Wii
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