Glittering Seahorses

glittering%20seahorse.jpegTrendHunter: It wasn’t enough to have luxurious objects, diamond-encrusted and golden everything. For those who could afford it, the mainstream luxury trend got old, very fast. The Vietnamese market found a way to bring it back to life, however, and I mean that very literally.
Vietnam’s first genetically engineered animals are 108 living seahorses made of gold. At their current age of under two week, the striped, glittering seahorses are still only about the size of matchsticks, but as they grow older, so will their value. They may still be tiny, but are well worth their weight in gold.
They plan on testing these procedure on other animals now that the seahorse experiment has been successful. These glittering animals could really take off; the demand for gold, luxury and sparkles in rising, just as much as the demand for the unique. This covers just about all bases!
Genetically Modified Glittering Animals – Gold Seahorses [TrendHunter]

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4 thoughts on “Glittering Seahorses

  1. Wow! I wanna go to Vietnam to check this out. It’s really amazing how people can think of something unique; unique for themselves and unique for their country. Wish that I can invent something that I can be proud of; but thinking that it will be done with dog (I’m a dog lover) really scares me! Still, I want to see this sea horse in gold!

  2. This definitely caught my attention. I was hoping to find out how exactly this is done. Is there a piece of gold inserted into the animal? Just curious….

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