Glowee Sustainable Light from Bacteria


Glowee is the light from the sea. A living lighting energy, needing no electricity, emitting very few CO2 and light pollution. A light coming directly from nature, at the crossroads of biomimicry and synthetic biology, ready to revolutionize our way to produce, consume and light up.

Glowee develops a biological source of light, using natural properties of marine micro-organisms. The goal: to disrupt the way we produce and consume light, by offering a living and self-sufficient
lighting raw material, requiring no installation infrastructures.

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3 thoughts on “Glowee Sustainable Light from Bacteria

  1. This is honestly amazing. I hope to see technology like this in action in the future.

  2. It is not very descriptive on how it works I would like to talk to someone who knows about it to learn more but it looks very interesting

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