Crave: For consistent 15 percent tipsters living in municipalities with a 7.5 percent dining tax, generating the perfect 15 percent tip is as simple as doubling the tax. If that’s not you, Oh Arithmetic-Challenged One, you’ve got a bum deal. (See below for a quick computational technique.)
It’s for this set, and for diners who frequently split a bill, that Ilium Software developed Tipster. The free, simple app for Palm, Windows Mobile smartphone and Pocket PC hurriedly computes your tax and total.
Tipster calculates tax in 5 percent increments up to 30 percent, and can evenly split the amount owed between up to ten diners, tip included. Working out how much four people should pay on an $86.52 bill with a 20 percent tip becomes instant and headache-free. Just don’t try anything funny, like tipping 18 percent.
Tipster: Tip calculator for fast meal math [Crave]
Go Dutch Easy
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wow, It’s interesting.
This dinner bill splitting software leaves out the common problem of fairness. Suppose you order only a drink while every one else orders an expensive dinner. Splitting the bill evenly is not fair. A product that merely adds the tax & tip, then divides by the number of diners is not very valuable. It may end up costing you far more than the cost of the software.
This product needs to allow for each person to have a different dinner balance. See the Palm software “PayUp!” from Portents for a great example of how this ought to be done.