Google Voice Assistant Enabled Tea Making Robot recently invented the Smart Tea Maker that can make your favorite tea using real ingredients and no premixes. Talk to the machine, and it can make your favorite tea recipe in 5 minutes.

Everyone has a preference on how their tea should be made. When to put the milk, how much to boil, when to add tea or sugar makes a difference to the flavor of the tea. Using mobile app, once you have created a recipe, you can either use the app or talk to the machine by saying you want a cup of tea with the name of your recipe and it will make your favorite tea.

How does the machine work exactly? It is pretty simple actually:

Step 1. Press the button on the machine or your phone.

Step 2. TeaMaker says: “Hi,? ?what? ?would? ?you? ?like? ?to? ?drink? ?today?”

Step 3. You:? ?“Make? ?me? ?my? ?favorite? ?tea”? or “Make? ?me? ?Akash’s? ?special? ?tea”?, etc.

Step 4. TeaMaker replies:? ?“Ok,? ?your? ?tea? ?will? ?be? ?ready? ?in? ?5? ?minutes.”

Step 5. Enjoy your tea.

TeaMaker robot is also learning your tea preference, and with the machine learning, it could also suggest you new variations of a tea recipe.

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