Greensulate Insulation is key to keeping your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It’s important to insulate well in order to reduce the amount of energy you use.
The fiberglass traditionally used in insulation batting can irritate your skin, eyes and airways. Traditional insulation uses formaldehyde as a binder ingredient in the manufacturing process. Foam plastic insulation contains petrochemicals. There are new alternatives that won’t pollute your air quality or irritate you.
A new insulating product manufactured by Ecovative Design that should hit the market within two years. The product, called Greensulate, is fire-retardant, biodegradable and requires no petrochemicals for its production.
The product is made using perlite, a mineral that is found in potting soil. Mycelia, the roots of mushrooms, are grown to form a web throughout the perlite, forming a solid material.
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New product uses mushrooms to grow insulation []

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