HabitStrap Shapes Good Habits in 66 Days

HabitStrap is a single use wristband to help you to get motivated and stay on track during 66 days – the time it takes to form new virtuous habits or K.O. bad ones. It is worse than your mom and cheaper than any coach.

Write a simple daily action that would immediately improve your life on your HabitStrap. Example: “Eat healthy”. Then seal it to your wrist during 66 days. HabitStrap has 66 units representing 66 days. Each day you complete your desired action, check the bar with any permanent marker and take a deep breath.

66th bar? Congrats! You shaped a new habit. It’s that simple. You are now ready to improve other areas of your life.

HabitStrap is worse than your mom and cheaper than any coach. It’s always with you, firmly attached, serving as a perpetual visual trigger for your brain.

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