Handrail BBQ

Handrail BBQ

The BBQ Bruce Handrail Grill(59€) let you enjoy the BBQ on your balcony.

“The Bruce Handrail Grill by designer Henrick Drecker combines the function of a handy grill with the principle of a flower pot: It hangs on the handrail in common flower-pot supports and does moreover not need much space. The grill can be hanged on the handrail or at the wall, which also makes its use in gardens or on huge terraces possible.

BBQ Bruce Handrail Grill [LikeCool]

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1 thought on “Handrail BBQ

  1. Can i have exclusivity for middle east?
    I already have a trading office set up in Dubai, so would appreciate if more info is provided in this context.
    Thanks in advance.

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