HomeBiogas 2.0 At-Home Biodigester

HomeBiogas 2.0, is the at-home biodigester. HomeBiogas is the first company to present a small scale biogas system for family use. After a successful first campaign, the team created a more durable, affordable and easier to assemble at-home unit. Launching on Kickstarter, HomeBiogas 2.0 works at twice its original speed producing up to three hours of cooking gas per day from leftover kitchen scraps.

Families around the world produce up to 105 kilograms of food waste per year with every dinner prepared, school lunch packed, and leftovers spoiled. Households looking to go green and cut down on wasteful practices, usually turn to traditional composting. This method requires constant upkeep, often produces bad smells and attracts many pests.

HomeBiogas 2.0, converts organic waste into an odorless biogas to fuel the stove top and fertilize household gardens, eliminating the need for a messy and smelly compost pile.

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