How Not to Lose Knowledge Gained in the School Year

Almost every student in his life wondered how not to lose the knowledge gained in the school year and remember it for a long time. If you think about it deeply, then you will find out that this is a really serious problem. It especially happens with technical subjects. Most of the failures in the learning process are connected precisely because of the difficulties in remembering a large amount of information. In this article, we will discuss the most effective methods that allow you to maximize your capabilities, not to lose knowledge during your summer break, and to prepare for the exam productively.

Why It Is Dangerous to Forget Information for Students

As a result, students may have problems with finding their first jobs. It may happen because they will not remember enough theoretical knowledge to use it in practice. And they may not even be able to write a correct resume. In such cases, it is worth asking pro resume writers for help. They are able to write a perfect resume even if you do not have any working experience.

Follow a Specific Memorization Technique

German researchers have proposed an effective methodology on how to memorize material for the exam more effectively. You must adhere to the rule, which is the following:

  1. At the first stage, you need to select a small section of text from which you can immediately remember the main points. After reading it, you need to reproduce the information in your own words.
  2. The second step is to reproduce the idea of the text again.
  3. And the third is to check whether the information you retold is correct.

This technique does not require large energy inputs, because the volume of the text does not cause problems in memorization. And its reproduction is absolutely not annoying. In this way, information is stored very quickly, but briefly. If you want to put it in long-term memory, you will need to repeat this algorithm regularly.

Correct Repetition

In case of preparation for the exam in a couple of days, all the remembered information is lost from the head in about the same time, or even faster. Therefore, it is important not only to use memorization techniques as express help but also to systematically repeat the learned information. There are different methods, but the most effective is the method of eights. It means repeating what you read after 8 hours, then after 8 days and after 8 weeks. Given that 30% of people forget information within an hour after reading it, it is important to consider the rules of the previous paragraph.

Tell Information in Your Own Words

One of the classic methods of memorization that always remains relevant is the retelling of information to another person. In this case, the material is assimilated several times more efficiently because a person finds the most interesting points in the text, retelling which, he remembers the information studied more productively.

Unusual Ways to Remember Information

Asking the question of how to remember training material for a long time, students came up with various ways of assimilating information. For example, for some, it was useful to record the text on audio and then listen to it before the exam. While others combined memorization of material with physical exercises. One of the popular ways is to memorize a text, the words of which are associated with some associations, pictures, or an invented abbreviation. Every person is unique, so the best solution is to choose your own option, the effectiveness of which will be higher than the others.


These simple tips will help students to remember the studied information long after graduation. As a result, you will become a professional specialist, who will be able to use his theoretical knowledge in practice.

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