Infinite Light for Rural Populace


Around the world, there are lots of rural households which do not have access to electricity and its implications are worrying. Upon nightfall, many families are forced to use kerosene lamps, spending approximately 25% of their weekly budgets to light them. Along with its cost, it also increases the risk of fire and causes harmful smoke.

In this sense, infinite light is a simple solution providing high quality and cost effective solar lamp, to be used in rural populace. It strives to answer the needs of lighting of poverty stricken people.

This simple solution provides light basically with flexible solar panel and the batteries which are placed in PET bottles. Flexible solar panel which is rolled in the bottle collects sunlight and with the batteries it is stored and converted into energy. The part which gives the light out is attached at the bottom to the metal parts that also functions as the cover and supporter of the bottle. The metal wire at the top acts as handle, so the light can be moved around and hanged from the roof as well. Lighting unit does not require any infrastructure and it is a ready-to-use package that can be placed in a discarded plastic bottle. Durable and long-lasting, product aims to enlighten homes through a sustainable, inexpensive design.

Project is developed to create social innovation and impact through use of renewable energy and reuse of waste plastic material. Infinite light is actively making a difference in the lives of people living in developing countries who are in great need of light for their daily lives, education of children, health and development. Designed by Dr. Hakan Gürsu of Designnobis, the Infinite Light was honored with a 2013 Green Dot Award.

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1 thought on “Infinite Light for Rural Populace

  1. Bravo for your invention.
    Could you please Provide us informations required for distributing this product in West Africa
    Think you
    M. Sarr
    CEO , Globus c.i.

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