Inflatable Light Tube For RV Camping

Utah-based outdoor gear company Klymit got its start with gas-insulated inflatable clothingover a decade ago. It has since sold off that part of the business, but inflatable design remains a cornerstone of its lineup. The new Everglow Light Tube extends that design to a category of hardware you’d probably never think of inflating: camp lighting. The LED tube takes advantage of air-filled construction for added convenience and versatility, easily mounting to a vehicle or awning as an overhead light or compacting down into a lantern.

Why inflate a camping light? Klymit explains that the inflatable light chamber helps diffuse the light, making it less harsh on the eyes. We do wonder how that design might mute the directional light that Klymit says it provides, but it does appear to deliver a large radiant glow from a lightweight, pocketable footprint.

After inflating, the Everglow tube can attach or hang around base camp via integrated magnets (large and extra large only) or an included strap and carabiner. As an inflated bar, it makes a natural overhead light mounted to a vehicle lift-gate or awning. The larger two models include a dimmer switch to seamlessly adjust output between 0 and 270 lumens, depending upon model. The large and extra large Everglows also pack down into an included translucent carry case, switching on to create a lantern-like ambient light.

Everglow models weigh between 1.9 and 4 oz (55 and 113 g) and pack down to a height of 4 or 5 inches (10 or 13 cm) by a diameter of 3 in (8 cm), depending upon model. The regular model inflates to 18 x 3 in (46 x 8 cm), the large model 26 x 3 in (66 x 8 cm), and the extra large model 34 x 4.7 in (86 x 12 cm).

Klymit’s US$19.95 to $39.95 pricing seems reasonable enough, but those prices don’t include a power source, which buyers will need to add separately. Klymit offers myCharge Adventure battery bank/chargers for between $30 to $80, or buyers could use their own USB-compatible battery bank, RV USB port, etc.

Klymit launched the Everglow Light Tube earlier this month. The large and extra large versions are currently sold out on its website, presumably because of the handy extra features they offer, but the small version is still available.

Inflatable light tube adds versatility to tent and RV camping [New Atlas]

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