Instant Digital Window Shopping from Ralph Lauren Rugby

Life’s full of cravings-but sometimes the shopping crave gets us at our worst. It can hit us at the most ironic times-like when the store is closed. You spotted the perfect cocktail dress for next week’s gala at 1am in a retail store that’s on the opposite side of the city. When will you have time to buy it? How will you fit it in to your schedule? What if by the time you get back it’s sold out? You then start obsessing over how on earth you’ll get that perfect ensemble.
Fortunately for all of us, the folks over at Ralph Lauren Rugby have considered this scenario and have taken Window-shopping to an entirely new level: the digital one. Shoppers can now satisfy their insatiable consumer cravings immediately -thanks to their new interactive window display in their Manhattan store. One may browse and purchase any of the store’s items 24/7, simply by standing on the sidewalk near the store. Absolute instant gratification.
All you need to do is download a QR code to your iphone (check if your phone is compatible here: Once you have the code and are in the vicinity of the store you can use it to scan any of the QR codes you desire, beginning with the ones on the RL Rugby store touchscreen. Your phone will then be redirected to the exact item on the website and this enable you to immediately purchase the item. This helps individuals browse and buy items when the store is closed or when they can’t or don’t want to physically enter it. QR codes will be implemented in stores, mailers and print ads as well.
Is this the next trend in shopping? We think so. Digital advertising (animated wildlife projected onto buildings) and Japanese Interactive Ads have already been spotted as unique and engaging advertising methods that make excellent use of today’s technologies. So why wouldn’t these digital features be incorporated into all aspects of our shopping experiences as well?
Here’s the part where we give Kudos to RL. Not only is their Rugby apparel a source of fashion inspiration and trend setting but their digital facet is a perfect example of fashion that goes hand in hand with technology to help us get what we need instantly-according to our own schedules and without waiting in line. They’ve turned something as simple as a window display into a funky interactive platform that takes advantage of mobile resources and today’s digital consumer.
Images compliments of: The Frisky
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1 thought on “Instant Digital Window Shopping from Ralph Lauren Rugby

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