Instant Web 2.0 Websites

photos_blog_sitekreator.gifSiteKreator: SiteKreator was designed to help businesses accelerate brand recognition, build customer loyalty, and increase sales by giving them a one-stop solution to easily create stylish, interactive, and effective Web sites. SiteKreator is a fully-hosted online application that eliminates the need to download, install, or upgrade software.
Prior to SK Business Edition, customers would either hire a designer or agency, use generic tools for site design and/or blogging, or use software to help build their sites. SiteKreator pulls together the best of the Web’s most important features and capabilities, without the high price tag or forcing a “generic” design. Unlike Google Pages and other do-it-yourself site design tools, SiteKreator is Web 2.0 ready, enabling businesses to easily implement interactive features, such as blogs, Web forms, and discussion forums, to engage visitors and convert them into repeat customers. Web site information can be tiered through multiple content layers by adding members-only areas and registration forms to encourage visitors to share key information in exchange for access to deeper layers of meaningful content.
SiteKreator –

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2 thoughts on “Instant Web 2.0 Websites

  1. SiteCreator sure looks like a cool tool. I don’t think there is such thing as an instant web 2.0 creator – or that you can create websites in an instant at all. Designing/coding websites takes skills and time and rarely comes out of a boxs with a good result.
    I hope I don’t sound too cranky 🙂
    All the best,

  2. Fingers crossed that it works for those who use it – there is obviously a need for some instant social sites.
    Personally I think the whole point of social media is that it is not ‘created by the man’ but by its users.

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