“I’ve lost my keys come home”

IT Sneak: New website TextMeOuttaHere.co.uk will, for a pound, send its users a text message at a prearranged time to help them lie and cheat their way out of an awkward situation. Having seen “over 1000 excuses sent in its first month”, founder Emma Kane was moved to say: “Britain’s mobiles phone users are obviously a devious lot.” Sneak, for one, resents this kind of sweeping statement. Given that market penetration of mobiles in the UK is roughly 100 percent, what Kane is actually saying is that everyone in the country is a devious liar – including you, Sneak, your spouse or partner, your best friend and your vicar. That’s slander, surely
Pants on fire [IT Sneak]

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1 thought on ““I’ve lost my keys come home”

  1. For HALF the price of ONLY 50p why not try http://www.pretendafriend.co.uk
    Does the same thing enabling you to schedule an SMS on line. Plus you can also send a text request from your mobile to get an excuse SMS Text message scheduled when you are away from you PC.
    Why not try text:
    “friend dyn 10 your house is on Fire” to 60300. 10 minutes late you get the text SMS back “Your house is fire”. All you need to do is set the number 60040 in your contacts list as “next door”.

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