UberReview: All those promises of a future with jetpacks getting you from here to there have finally come true. Before you start planning your trip to Miami, the amazing JetPack will only give you a 3 min thrill ride. That 3 min ride does not come cheap at $250,000 but it does include free training. Before you start to cry, a new and improved version is already in the works and should get you about 19 minutes of flight time for a reduced price of $200,000. To see the Jetpack in action, check out the video after the jump.
The Future Has Arrived, The Jetpack Is Ready For Sale [UberReview]
Youtube Video:
Jetpack Flight
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This jetpack sounds like its a better purchase than the Martin Jetpack invented in New Zealand which can currently only fly 3 feet of the ground. But only costs $75,000 dollars. If they can get the new version to fly for 19 minutes I think they will start selling a few to people with too much money.