Kid Tracking

ikid_changed.jpgShiny Shiny: Hang on a minute, this looks strangely familiar. Remember those Mymo mobiles that were withdrawn from the market after everyone suspected that phones turn children’s brains to frappuccino? Well, mTrack’s i-Kids phone certainly bears a resemblance. Obviously now everyone’s forgotten that nasty business about kiddie brain pulping, it’s time to try again with the children’s phones. This one can pinpoint a child’s location to within 20 metres via phone or net and has the backing of children’s charity, Kidscape.
It’s got limited call capabilities and just four caller buttons. Once subscribed to the service, parents can track junior free using a map online, or on a mobile which tracks the child every 10 minutes. There’s also instant tracking via a ‘ping’ (costing 50p per ‘ping’) or through a safety zone alert, which notifies parents via sms if their child has strayed from their specified area (50p per text).
Track your kids by mobile phone [Shiny Shiny]

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