Inhabitat: A lot of us can recall spending hours upon hours of stacking colorful Legos into shapes and sizes that tickled our imagination as children. While some of us outgrew that phase, thankfully some of us didn’t forget the charm of the little Lego man’s smile or the amazingness contained within every little block. As Parisian designers Simon Pillard and Philippe Rosetti have proved with their chromatic Munchausen Lego Kitchen: you’re never to old to play with Legos!
The Munchausen Lego Kitchen is based around an Ikea island that has been outifftted with more than 20,000 Lego pieces. Not quite and afternoon in the playroom, the entrie process took the designers more than a week to complete. The results were well worth the effort, which gave way to a vast eye-catching mosiac.
Incredible LEGO Kitchen Renovation [Inhabitat]
Lego Furniture
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