Lumenator Lighting


Lumenator is a revolutionary type of LED lighting for both Photo and Video. The Lumenator dual purpose light is softer (LEDNatural technology), thinner (.5″) , lighter (13 ounces) and more flexible (dual purpose) than any conventional LED photo or video light. You can use the Lumenator as a revolutionary continuous cool light source, a photo flash diffuser, as a handheld light source, or as a small and powerful portable studio light.

Most pro LED photo and video lights are harsh and specular, unless diffused to within an inch of their life. Lumenator uses Patent Pending LEDNatural technology to produce the smoothest, most natural LED lighting you have ever seen. The Lumenator side-mounted LED lights are diffused multiple times before they light your subject. You won’t get the typical squints, fake grins and hot spots that you get with conventional rear-mounted LED panels.

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