Lucetta is an innovative set of two small magnetic bicycle lights, these ones in black. The lights easily attach to multiple areas on your bicycle, providing awhite light in the front and a red light in the back, which can be switched off with just a click. Designed to stay securely in place even on the bumpiest of roads, the lights give the option of a slow or fast flash with another click. It’s easy to remove the magnetized lights when you get to your location, thanks to the inventive mind of young industrial designer Emanuele Pizzolorusso.
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Also check out a current Kickstarter campaign for LED tubes you can mount to your bike wheels:
Marvelous idea. WHAT IS THE COST.
what is the “retail” price
would like to see the packaging
I would consider investing in this product
I am very interested in having my own business selling these magnetic lights. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Brilliant! I would be very interested in selling these in the Netherlands. Hope you can drop me an email sometime! Frederique