Marketing tools you don’t use but you should

If you are one of these brave people who decide to run their proper online business you are aware of the existence of numerous marketing concepts, ideas and trends. What is more, you are also aware of how confusing and unsettled this area is. New innovative ideas are born on daily basis and it is difficult to determine which of them can be beneficial for your business and which the exact opposite.

To tell the truth, your choices should be based mainly on your intuition and your business mission. Online advertisers and business owners fight endless battles – splash page vs. landing page, content marketing vs. inbound marketing or SEO vs. paid search. Nevertheless, what you should know is that there are no definitive winners as it depends on business type, customers’ needs or even geographical factor.

However, apart from the most popular marketing tools increasing conversions, there are some strategies which have already turned out to be highly effective though they are still not widely used. And they definitely should as they can truly make a difference for your online business performance. Let me quote three of them for you.   

Gating content

In most simple words – gated content is any content that is not available right away on your business website. In order to get hold of it visitors need to fill out a form. Although filling out a form sounds repelling, truth being told, gated content turns out to be a highly effective strategy to generate leads for your business and increase customer trust. 

Since it seems to be reserved for exclusive group of people what increases its value and gives you an opportunity to show the quality of your work. You can put there a part of a lengthy article, a useful spreadsheet or a demo version of your product. Think what may be appealing for your audience and provide them with it.  

Using social proof and testimonials

Even though we live in modern times with state-of-the-art technology and solutions, word-of-mouth marketing still rules. This is the main reason behind the influencer marketing as people tend to trust more people’s recommendations instead of advertisements on TV or in newspapers. 

Being aware of this fact you should show the value of your product or service using your previous customers’ testimonials and reviews. If your visitors see positive feedback you will seem more trustworthy and reliable what increases your chances of obtaining new clients and increase your sales.

Creating content video

A few years back the images were the rulers of any marketing actions. The graphic designers did their best in order to create beautifully-crafted pieces of work. However, these days the images are being slowly replaced by videos what can be observed just by looking at the Youtube expansion. 

Video content is a highly efficient tool conveying your business message in simple words with a huge effect. It does not have to be a lengthy one – you can just explain what your business is about or prepare a little guide for your visitors. That will already be enough to inspire trust and show that you are an honest business owner and expert in your field.

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