Mexican shampoo

Iconoculture: Palmolive is for dishes, right? Yes, but it’s also a favorite for hair in Mexico. Palmolive Caprice shampoos and conditioners are being stocked on Wal-Mart shelves in stores serving predominantly Latino populations.

Some supermarkets and department stores were already stocking the Palmolive hair care products, diverted from Mexico. Now that it’s being imported, both Latinas and non-Latinas will have ready access to the product some know as the “Mexican shampoo”

Reinventing and expanding your product lines while sourcing for new target market is the surest way to keep your business going.

To Mexicans, Palmolive is a hair care brand, too [Iconoculture]

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4 thoughts on “Mexican shampoo

  1. palmolive is available in hungary for a long long time ago..:) isn’t so special

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