
Let’s play ball! Mindball is a game where two players control a ball with their brain waves. The most relaxed player wins the game by making the ball roll over to the opponent?s goal, with his brain waves as the only form of aid. Surprising, eh? A ball game without all the adrenaline and the aggression.
The brain waves are detected by sensors attached to the headbands. The sensors (electrodes) are connected to a biosensor system which registers the electrical activity in the brains.
It’s hard to say who will win the game because the transition from calm to excitement and vice versa happens very quickly. Mindball is an exciting audience-friendly game where the audience can follow the game both by watching the ball on the table as well as watching the hopefully relaxed faces of the players. This innovative game turns the typical concept of competition upside down and challenges consumers to think in new ways.
Read: Mindball Product Page

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3 thoughts on “Mindball

  1. To the Press Department
    PRESS RELEASE : Inventor writes a letter to the President of the Italian Republic, H. E. Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
    Press Men,
    I will to communicate that the Mindball, presented in to the Festival of Science, that will be held in Genova (october – november 2004) is a my and prof. Ugo Licinio’s invention.
    The patent has been registered at the C.C.I.A.A. of Trieste on 30/08/1984, n. reg. 9/82809, as:
    “Sistema elettronico predisposto a sostituire nei giochi elettronici i comandi manuali esistenti
    con equivalenti comandi direttamente dal cervello” (Electronic system of cerebral controls that takes the place of the manual controls in to the electronic plays).
    We are stolen, by fraud, of this invention by a person, later dead in mysterious circumstances in South America, and president of a company in Milan, the CIPA S.p.A.
    If You are interested to know more informations and case’s documentation,
    Best Regards, Vinicio de Bortoli

  2. The concept of Mindball Game is invented by The Interactive Institute II AB, http://www.tii.se. The prototype is called Brainball.
    Interactive Productline IP AB, http://www.mindball.se acquired the rights to the concept and the prototype in 2002.
    Interactive Productline developed the product Mindball Game based on the prototype Brainball.
    Interactive Productline has applied for patent of the concept of moving a physical object with the brain waves, world wide.
    Mr. De Bortoli has not invented the concept of Mindball Game.
    Mr. De Bortoli has never been involved, in any way what so ever, in the work of The Interactive Institute II AB or Interactive Productline IP AB.
    The patent that Mr. De Bortoli refers to is described as follows “Electronic system prearranged to replace in the electronic games the existing manual controls with equivalent controls directly commanded by the brain”.
    This patent application was withdrawn in 1989.

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