M&Ms, With Your Name On Them

photo_blog_mnm.jpgBusiness2Blog: The folks at Mars have now made it possible to print (nearly) anything on your M&Ms. Go to their site, pick a color, and type out a message. Yes, it has a censor, and the kids at BoingBoing have already had their dirty fun. Gift boxes (2oz.) for $4.25 and a less impressive 8-oz. sack for 9.49. So that’s, what, $34 a pound. Not bad. Mars is getting Teuscher champagne truffle prices for M&Ms.
It still looks like this idea of mass customization is in the experimental stage. Many companies have tried it, Levis or Dell, for example. But is is hard to think of a company that has stuck with it because it has been an overwhelming success. (That is, a profit center, not a promotion.) The technology is clearly here. But the mass market hasn’t quite caught up.
M&Mass Customization in Your Candy Dish [Business2Blog]

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