Mobile Aromatherapy

Springwise: Mood swings. Anxieties. Anger. Fatigue. No wonder aromatherapy has become such a massive success. However, until now, it was definitely something that was enjoyed (or should we say applied) in the confinements of consumers’ homes or in expensive spas. New Zealand’s AromaPod has come up with a mobile solution: twist and sniff inhalers in four functional ‘flavors’: Awake, Calm, Energize, and Focus.
AromaPod was developed by senLab, which itself is part of the Healthcare Manufacturing Group. Dubbed ‘mood-management devices’, the AromaPods are being distributed via large New Zealand retailers, supermarkets and BP gas stations. They sell for NZD 9.95 (USD 6.95 / EUR 5.25) per pod, and last for about a month if used regularly. And no, they don’t contain calories, caffeine, alcohol or other fun stimulants.
Aromatherapy on the go [Springwise]

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