Mobile Weblog: Sending SMS or MMS during holidays is one way to show our affection to our dear family and friends without spending too much. Now, you can customize your greetings with
It has launched a do-it-yourself, web-based Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) called “MMS Composer” for users to upload photos or music, edit them to create a unique greeting card, and send them to their family and friend’s phones. Impress them with your creativity; make them smile or cry with your heartfelt message; and save money from buying printed cards and paying postage. Visit their tutorial page for details.
Creating your own mobile greeting card is free but sending it to your family and friends each costs about $0.20 in the U.S., $0.50 in the U.K., and $0.15 in India (read the country-specific rates).
Create Your Own Mobile Greeting Cards with [Mobile Weblog]
Mobile Greetings from Cellyspace
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