Moblile Bathtub

mobile_bathtub.jpgBornrich: Wooden bathtubs, glass bathtubs, hi-tech bathtubswe have seen it all! But, mobile bathtub designed by the designer Marie Louise is something really new! The bathtub is made of fiberglass for good heat retention and its front wheel swivels so a friend can easily push you to your favorite bathing spot. The Artwork in the tub is done by Norwegian artist Elin Melberg. So, if you dont mind taking a bath outdoors then start thinking whether you want to have a dip out on the patio or in the moonlight. No word on the price is available from the site.
Moblile Bathtub [Bornrich]

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1 thought on “Moblile Bathtub

  1. I’ve seen a similar mobile bathtub in ‘Ripley’s Believe It or Not’ once, though it did not look as sophisticated and ‘shiny’ as this one.
    Also – would just like to share, this blog has now officially become one of my favorites! I’m so glad I was able to chance upon it! 😀

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