Iconoculture: Forget pushy sales clerks or waiting for online orders. Instead, opt for robotic arms. Motorola is rolling out Instantmoto vending machines that will sell cellphones and other celly stuff at malls and airports across the country.
Like Staples’ vending machine effort, Motorola’s robot retail stores are to be placed in high-traffic areas. Motorola’s hoping their anytime convenience will draw travelers and other off-hours shoppers.
Finding cellphone chargers and replacing must-have celly accessories on the road? Brutal. When it comes to telecom needs, travelers crave access and convenience – not mad scrambles to closed electronics stores.
For consumers who know what they want, salespeople just get in the way. No-lag, 24-7 access is key for consumers who want to buy, not shop.
Giant vending machine spits out cellies! [Iconoculture]
Motorola Vending Machine
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