Multi Purpose Carabiner

When it comes to nifty little bits of outdoor gear, people seem to particularly like multitools and carabiners. San Francisco-based stuff-maker General Purpose California has therefore gone and combined the two, in the form of its aptly-named GPCA Carabiner.

Available in the buyer’s choice of titanium, stainless steel or aluminum, the device can indeed serve as a carabiner – that means it can be used to hook one thing to another, via its spring-loaded locking gate. That said, it does have a few other tricks up its sleeve.

Those tricks include fold-out Philips and flathead screwdrivers, a slide-out adjustable-depth titanium box cutter, a key ring hole, a bottle opener, a sort of brass-knuckle-type protuberance for self-defense, and a hammer-claw-like pry tool. Additionally, a knurled and threaded ring on the locking gate helps keep the thing from popping open, with a little padlock symbol becoming visible on the gate when it’s secure.

Travellers will be glad to know the device is TSA-compliant, plus it’s not very heavy – the claimed weight ranges from 68 grams for the aluminum model, up to 116 for the stainless steel.

Should you be interested, the GPCA Carabiner is currently the subject of a Kickstarter campaign. Assuming it reaches production, a pledge of US$29 will get you the aluminum version (planned retail $49.95), $39 will set you up with the stainless steel (retail $69.95), and $79 (retail $119.95) will make you the owner of the titanium model.

And no, this isn’t the first extra-duty carabiner we’ve seen. Previous examples have included a quick-release key ring, and ski/snowboard binding-adjustment tools.

Multi-purpose carabiner does more than just hang around [New Atlas]

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