It’s your pet peeve. You lent your best friend Fred the Halo 3 disc (it’s your favorite game) a week ago and now you’re dying to start shooting some alien enemies. The game disc has returned to you, but with visible scratches and it suddenly does not play on your Xbox 360 anymore, at a time when you most want to play the game. How do you control your anger and not blow up at Fred?

d_skin Protective Disc Skins offer music fans, movie buffs and game enthusiasts a safer, longer-lasting method for protecting their purchases. By eliminating scratches, the Protective Disc Skins helps to extends disc life and reduce the high cost of replacing damaged computer and video games. How does d_skin prevent your disc from being scratched? The Protective Disc Skin contains a special patented optically clear protective cover that acts as an external “Skin” for discs, guarding against scratches. The unique patented Liplock Seal™ snaps onto the edge of any standard-size disc and holds the protective “Skin” tight in place.
Moreover, because all discs protected with d_skin Protective Disc Skins are readable right through the skin, you need not remove the protective skin while playing video games as well as while burning data onto blank discs. The protective cover doesn’t degrade sound quality, file integrity or interfere with the laser.

So, before you lent the next Xbox game to your best (and sometimes careless) friend Fred, get one of these Protective Disc Skins from It’ll go a long way in getting back your disc with not a single scratch on it!
This post is a sponsored blog post.
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Nice product, but it only solves half the problem. Scratches on either side of the disc can damage the recording media. While multiple lasers can accommodate scratches on the bottom side of a CD/DVD, scratches on the top side (which is often thinner than the bottom) can irreparably damage the data itself.
If I could I want to get this for all my CDs. Is it available in Asia yet?
Yes, you can scratch a disk from the top but the top has extra protection and 95% of discs scratch on the bottom have a look at you will see that a disc has 5 layers and remember the lazer reads from the bottom not the top this is what stops discs reading.