Open-source Precious Plastic Recycling Machines

Open-source Precious Plastic Recycling Machines

Dutch designer Dave Hakkens has updated his series of Precious Plastic machines, which anyone can build and use to make products by recycling the material (+ movie).

Blueprints for the new machines, which the designer described as “a solution to plastic pollution”, are now available online for anyone to download and build.

The devices are made using everyday materials and basic tools that Hakkens said are available all over the world.

The set includes a plastic shredder, an extruder, an injection moulder and a rotation moulder, which can each ne used to turn waste plastic into new products. Hakkens first showed prototype versions at the Design Academy Eindhoven graduation show in 2013, and has spent the last two years refining the designs.

“People can play around, start a business and recycle like rockstars,” said Hakkens, who also designed the original Phonebloks modular mobile phone.

Dave Hakkens updates open-source Precious Plastic recycling machines [Dezeen]

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