Ordering Take-out

The idea of take-out has taken off. The emergent trend of buying online, picking-up in-store (‘bopi’ for these purposes) was listed as eMarketer’s #7 Key Online Predictions for 2008 and NearbyNow’s #4.
While seemingly inherent that companies would diversify their distribution efforts, many are still 1-pronged. Yet with benefits like bigger shopping carts (27% of bopi customers make additional purchases in-store) and opportunities for web cross-selling (44% of bopi customers buy more merchandise online than average), it’s easy to see why it’s on the ‘08 countdown.
Recently Circuit City, founder of the bopi method, added a 24-minute guarantee for pick-up customers. This comes, not surprisingly after the Forrester report noted the top reasons to buy locally were ‘want it now’, ‘try it first’ and ‘no shipping charges’. Further, mobile bopi is forecasted to spike as well. ‘Order en route’ has quite the ring to it. With giants like Wal-Mart (see Site to Store launch in Q107) and the top 3 pizza distributors jumping on board, their success will determine how quickly others join in.
Because who doesn’t want a generic prescription or a Lexus or a latte, to-go.

KatieShermanPhoto.jpgKatie Sherman is a NY-based freelance writer. After years of multi-tasking at downtown ad agencies, she’s recently returned from a European backpacking sabbatical. During the day she works as a Copywriter in Soho. In the off-hours she concentrates on analyzing social/ cultural trends, business innovation and local entertainment. Her work has been published on PSFK.com, CoolBusinessIdeas.com, EatDrinkSleepny.com, and Glamourite.com. Email her at katie_sherman@hotmail.com

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