Organic matters

xmi_moo12989-1.gifIconoculture: Mothers of Organic – otherwise known as M.O.O. – is an online beehive of pro-organic moms. The maternal healthnuts share info and inspiration about how to raise healthier, happier kids and steer clear of pesticides, preservatives, and pollutants.
The all-natural network was created by farmer-owned food label Organic Valley. Nutritionists, organic chefs, wellness experts, and celebrity activists (like Raffi!) regularly contribute advice, exposés, and personal experiences.
Multimedia downloads, educational tools, and fun activity suggestions help wellness-minded moms instill the organic spirit (and healthy eating habits) in their kids.
Organic has moved out of the specialty aisles of our grocery stores and now pop off almost every shelf.
M.O.O. is an online beehive for all-natural, pro-organic moms [Iconoculture]

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