Phones for Kids

Kids want and do get cellphones too, especially in affluent cities like Hong Kong and Singapore. But, you know, kids tend to displace their possessions easily and parents are hesistant about buying their children cellphones when they might just lose it the other day. So what to do? MYMO has come up with the idea of designing a cellphone which specially caters to kids only. Gizmodo reports:

The MYMO phone is a pretty fun idea for parents who want to provide their young children with the safety and convenience of a mobile, but don’t want them making calls to just anyone. The MYMOs are locked down to just five numbers, all controlled by just three buttons. MYMO knows their market, and knows such limitations won’t fly for most kids past the age of ten, but if you’re in the UK and you want to get your kid wirelessed without giving them free run of the phone bill, the £60 phones look pretty sporty. There’s even an integrated headset that doubles as a necklace, so your kid won’t have to bother with carrying in in a bag (and losing it).

MYMO Phone for Kids [Gizmodo]
MYMO Shop Product Page
Cellphones offer way to track the kids []

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